Courtesy of a recent talk given at a conference, one of the presenters tossed out a quick stat. Every day, 8 years of video are uploaded to YouTube. That was a rather jaw-dropping statistic on the huge disparity between content created and content consumed, and also content regulated. You can check out the latest stat here.
LTAS Technologies provides reporting services for law enforcement, regulatory organizations, and licensed investigators to identify suspicious postings. But we too also face this dramatic disparity that there’s not enough firepower to possibly analyze everything out there effectively.
And YouTube is a good example of community-based content filtering and reporting policies. They’re very aggressive with copyright-infringement and violent / explicit content. Other websites may not have such altruistic and accurate community-based content filtering.
Anyways, I’m off to watch some Friends episodes from 1994 that I’ve been meaning to get to 🙂